Dan Savage - UI/UX Developer
I am a senior Software Engineer student at Iowa State University. I am familiar with app development, having interned at Farm Bureau Financial and developed a mobile app there, as well as having developed several for projects at ISU. I will be handling genereal development on this project, but focusing on front end User Interface and User Experience, as this is the area I have the most expertise in.
Alex Dague - Test Engineer
My name is Alex Dague and I am a senior at Iowa State University. I am pursuing an undergraduate degree in Software Engineering. My time at Iowa State has equipped me with many programming skills including knowledge of the languages Java and C. I have also been equipped with knowledge of data structures and the basic structure of programs allowing me to easily pick up new languages with which I do not have much experience. My most notable project has been "Card Again" which I helped develop for SE 309. Card Again was a program that simulated the card games war and go fish. My role in this project was working on the graphical end, including displaying cards and allowing the user to play cards.
Anya Franzen - Research Lead/General Developer
I too am a senior in Software Engineering at Iowa State. I have experience coding applications in a wide gamut of languages, but mostly Java, Python, ColdFusion, JS, and other Web Languages. I worked with Alex on CardAgain, and have previously worked as a web dev intern at Global Reach in Ames where I mainly worked on back-end development in ColdFusion with the occasional JS functionality tidbit thrown in. My passion project for the last few years has been coding various programs to light up a string of LEDs in my computer and it's been recreated in Python, Node.js, and C# so far, with a C++ implementation up for the coding next. I have experience as a team leader from CardAgain and have a long history of thoroughly researching things to death since formally learning about it back in 8th grade when I spent far too long researching the history of cereal brands and production for a powerpoint class.
Zachary Evans - General Developer
My name is Zach Evans and I am a super senior in Software Engineering at Iowa State.I have previously worked with Iowa States IT Services as a COBOL developer before taking my current position as a software engineering intern at Principal Financial in Des Moines with a fulltime offer lined up after graduation. Aside from the COBOL work I've done at Iowa State and Principal, I've worked on a number of projects both in class and at work in Java, C, and Python that include creating platformer computer game, a mobile game for Android phones, and a program to help my team at Principal automate testing for changes to output from an old COBOL program with a web-based user interface.
Zach McCall - Meeting Scribe/General Developer
My name is Zach McCall and I am a senior in Software Engineering at Iowa State. I have experience with frontend development mainly. But I also have worked with Java, Python, and other languages. I worked on CyTracker as my project for 309. It was a messaging application both on web and Android. I did the frontend development for the web application. It was a live messaging app along with a todo list, profile system, and a calendar. I work at ISU Surplus which has given me a lot of experience working with a lot of different types of hardware.
Alex Warner - General Developer
My name is Alex Warner I am a senior in the Software Engineering program at Iowa State University. I am currently a site services intern at Danfoss Power Solutions in Ames. I have experience with primarily frontend development although I have done some implementation of backend in other course work. I have experience with Python, Java, C, as well as other languages. I have previous phone application development experience from Com S 309 although not iOS development. We created an Android application called VendMe it was an interactive app that used the Google Maps API to locate vending machines throughout Iowa State's campus. It would display distance, location, contents, and directions for walk/bus routes.